Christmas tasks are impacting weekly child and household maintenance schedules. Scotchguarded Young-ones clothes in order to prolong use between washings and re-wired microwave oven to begin cooking fish sticks in conjunction with entering the house after school, which saves a total of 23 minutes per week.
An accomplished Engineer, managing a team of skilled and likeminded scientists successfully designing and constructing engineering feats of wonder, currently required to take parental leave, and using his vast engineering experience and science background to raise the Young-ones. Ever the diplomat and tactician in the world of adults, these skills will be used to raise and shape the future of the Young-ones over the next few months.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 52, 1133 hrs
Gave two dollars to homeless fellow in order to educate Young-ones about giving. Note to self: Never ask for a receipt. It is not well received.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 51, 1315 hrs
Bank balance taking sever damage due to holidays. Required cost cutting measures, including: extended usage of Little-ones 2 litre container of milk by cutting it with water and a dash of baking soda; and Santa will bring Older-one the abandoned Big Wheel retrieved behind the Bulk Barn dumpster, will rent out to local neighborhood youths when not in use.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 50, 1047 hrs
Discovered the advantages of Older-ones fear of Santa’s “naughty list”.
Little-one ate Play-doh. Wondering why Hasbro has to make Play-doh smell so tasty?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 48, 1350 hrs
Delivered Young-ones to Doctor to obtain anti-flu injections.
Older-one may have developed an ulcer due to stress levels prior to needle.
Little-one still unaware that a needle was received.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 45, 0807 hrs
Contemplating lessons learned while on Mat leave, including: multi-tasking; time management; ability to communicate with others about recipes; increased annoyance to clutter and unwashed dishes; and new potential for enjoying Glee.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 44, 0903 hrs
Older-ones responses to my questions now include “duh!?”, “what the heck?” and “what ev”.
Little-ones communication skills increasing. Now includes the word “no”.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 43, 0927 hrs
Older-one off to be educated.
Little-one dropped off at new daycare for trial run. Little-one very excited to interact with others of similar horizontal height. No apparent distress during Dads departure and while waving goodbye. Not sure how to feel about this.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 42, 1541 hrs
Was informed of upcoming concert. Limited seating, was known about a year in advance, sold out on first day, must line-up outside in cold two hours early to get adequate seating, and will be recorded and photographed by hundreds. Assumed Coldplay or Van Halen. Was mistaken, it is the Older-ones Christmas Concert???
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 40, 1342 hrs
Procured Christmas tree from u-cut tree lot. Older-one insisted on helping select and cut tree, which delayed departure time by 57 minutes. Little-one was silent on tree vote.
Discovered that Dad tree selection vote does not count since it relates to interior design. Surprisingly, perfect tree was still procured. However, will still retain final decisions related to backyard grass height and winter tire selection.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 39, 1312 hrs
Holiday festive outings and dinner parties began last night. Partook in too much ‘cheer’ based on size of headache. Curious - Young-ones seem to be able to sense my state of weakness and are using it to their advantage.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 38, 1257 hrs
After 8 days, the 2 day house project is complete. Lesson learned: The Little-one will survive even if not being supervised every second of the day. Although, must remember to keep wood glue out of reach.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 37, 1522 hrs
Based on Martha Stewart’s cookie presentation, the Spiced Cardamon Christmas cookies were an absolute disaster. Concluded that recipes are to only be used as a guide and achieving Martha perfection with Young-ones is near impossible. Time commitment versus reward not balanced considering needs of Young-one during cooking.
Second attempt utilizing Pillsbury Cookie mix a resounding success. Many thanks little white marshmallow-man chef.
Dad’s Log. Mat Leave Date: Day 37, 1326 hrs
Fellow Moms at playground appear to have renewed interest in cooking due to upcoming holiday season. Likely “mom” requirement during December. Will attempt cooking of Martha Stewart Spiced Cardamon Christmas cookies to increasing household festive spirit.
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